


Six new professors on tenure track or with multiyear contracts joined the Westmont faculty this fall. 乔纳森·迪亚兹 (英语), 凯文·麦奎尔 (经济与商业); 莎拉Morrisset (历史)和 杰达L. 威利斯 (运动机能学)进入终身职位. 斯蒂芬妮·考威尔 04年(化学), 劳拉·德雷克·舒尔泰斯 2006年(生物)和 迈克Ryu (computer science) all previously taught at Westmont and return on tenure track or with multiyear contracts.


迪亚兹毕业于比奥拉大学, earned an MFA from the University of Notre Dame and expects to complete a doctorate in English from Baylor University this year. His latest reSearch — the subject of his dissertation — examines religious identity and Latino literature. “我认为拉丁美洲和美国的作家是如何将自己的作品写出来的.S. use their writing to explore questions about the nature of God, the self and community,他说. “就在上星期, I’ve discussed with students how colonial Americans and Mexican authors used scripture to establish principles of justice in the New World.”

他出版了一本小册子, “雨的传闻, 诗,,并在杂志和文学期刊上发表了十几首诗歌. “我希望学生们看到我的基督教ag娱乐官网在我教学的每一部分的影响, 文学研究的目的是什么,他说. 不仅仅是批判性思维的练习或同理心的锻炼, 文学研究是一种寻求真理的努力, 真理的神邀请我们去.”


McGuire, earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Oklahoma Christian University and a doctorate in business administration from the University of Oklahoma. 他发表了几篇研究论文, 包括“品牌动画:将语言学理论应用于社交媒体传播”.“我期待着带来社会。, cultural and spiritual contexts that shape the relationship between modern marketing and society in a way students can engage with and connect to their other classes,他说.

麦圭尔说,他的ag娱乐官网影响了他的教学风格. “I want to equip students with the knowledge and resources to be prepared to work in business and social environments, 会经常挑战他们的信念吗,他说. “I have a sense of obligation to give my students the best education I can based on the principle of doing everything to the glory of God.”


Morrisset graduated from UCLA before earning both a Master of Philosophy and a doctorate in archeology from the University of Cambridge. She has conducted archeological fieldwork in the Ica Valley of Peru since 2016 and has numerous publications  about the sociopolitical organization of the Ica people from 1000-1476 A.D. 以及他们的文化认同、记忆和政治崩溃. “我们还发现了过去日常生活的方方面面, 比如住在古城的人们是如何吃辣椒和利马豆的,她说。.

Someday she hopes to involve Westmont students with this excavation project on the Peruvian south coast, 直接与秘鲁当地ag娱乐官网和当地博物馆合作.  作为一名教师, 我相信爱别人的能力, 尤其是那些来自不同文化背景的人, 是通过学习其他文化背景和历史而提高的吗,她说。. “对差异的了解和欣赏有助于创建一个真正的ag娱乐官网.”


威利斯获得了德克萨斯大学的学士学位&M University before earning both a Master of Science and a doctorate in nutritional sciences from Texas Tech University. 自2011年起,她成为一名注册营养师. 在来韦斯特蒙之前, she was a tenured associate professor at Texas Christian University in the department of nutritional sciences. She holds an unpaid faculty position at the Anne Marion Burnett School of Medicine at TCU.

She looks forward to marrying her knowledge of nutrition with kinesiology in her classes. “I aim to teach students interested in movement how the body processes and expends fuel input,她说。. “To understand the mechanics of an automobile, you must grasp how gasoline produces horsepower. 我希望我们的学生以同样的方式思考人体.”

她的研究范围从身体成分到运动表现, 并在受人尊敬的期刊上发表了30多篇同行评审的论文. “The epicenter of my work has been the design and conduct of controlled clinical trials that manipulate diet and physical activity to modulate performance, 食欲, 常量营养素氧化和能量消耗,她说。.

考威尔, 谁在2019年回到母校在化学系任职, 会以更长期的职位在课堂和实验室任教吗, 做学前健康和学术咨询, 管理化学实验室.  She earned a teaching credential and a Master of Science in chemistry degree at UC Irvine before teaching overseas in Ciro, 埃及, 和开普敦, 南非. 回到美国后.S., she served as a teacher and science instructional coach for Environmental Charter Schools in Inglewood and Lawndale before returning to Westmont. “I love interacting with students each year who plan to pursue a variety of scientific disciplines. I have the privilege of introducing students to chemistry and supporting them in their learning to develop joy and wonder in the subject and instill confidence and persistence in chemistry or other sciences.”


Ryu, 数学和计算机科学的助理教授, says he enjoyed serving as a visiting professor and with the Center for Applied Technology (CATLab) during the summer. “真是梦幻,”他说. “I got to witness firsthand just how dedicated everyone is to sincerely upholding Westmont’s mission to cultivate ‘thoughtful scholars, 感恩的仆人和忠诚的领袖.’ I cherish the relationships I’ve built with my students and colleagues and look forward to seeing those blossom further in the coming years.” Ryu earned a Bachelor of Science in software engineering and a Master of Science in computer science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo before working at a for-profit corporation in the San Francisco Bay Area. “There’s huge potential in programs such as CATLab to bolster and better equip aspiring computing professionals,他说.

Leanne Dzubinski
Leanne Dzubinski

Schultheis, 她在2020年以生物学副教授的身份回到了韦斯特蒙特大学, 自称是生态学家. “回来就像回家一样, and securing a tenure-track position means I can settle into exploring reSearch and teaching practices that will benefit this community for the long-term.” Schultheis earned a master’s degree in ecology and a doctorate in plant ecology from UC Santa Barbara. 今年夏天, 她和25岁的学生伊莎贝拉·加西亚发表了一篇论文, “Purposeful Planting: Characterizing Plant Flammability Using Functional Traits for Defensible Space,在美国生态学会年会上, 全国最大的生态学会议之一. “Westmont students have played a crucial role in helping collect data for two summers and one of them will be first author on a paper we hope to get published in the next year,”她说。.

Leanne Dzubinski, 教员发展和全球教育的新主任, 有超过15年的教学经验吗, worked as a dean and has extensive experience in Christian higher education and mission organizations. She most recently served at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky afterbeing an interim dean at Biola. 她在国外生活和教学,能说流利的西班牙语和德语.

尼科尔·马什(生物学), Brett Shagena(运动机能学)和Dana Wong(护理)将全职工作, 一年的教职工作. 

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